Ecoles de la Terre
All are guided by our efforts to combat illiteracy, which condemns too many children to hardship and misery. Our aim to welcome as many children as possible is enshrined in our statutes. The poor health of the children and their families has led us to run a medical programme and set up various water treatment systems to provide them with clean drinking water. Finally, to broaden the scope of our efforts, we have developed a micro-credit programme for the mothers of our pupils, with the aim of bettering the standard of living of families so that they can live with dignity.
The vision of how tomorrow's society should look leads us into a maze of different hopes and outlooks, full of doubts and certainties. Those facing uncertainty feel anxiety, mistrust and apprehension, while those who enjoy certainty have belief, faith and confidence.
Ecoles de la Terre
Rue de la Fontenette 11
1227 Carouge GE
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